My name is Mary!

it was just an accessory. till i ate it.

I’m fat and I like fashion. The fat part has been true for as long as I can remember but I did not start caring about fashion or cultivating an aesthetic until I was about 17, sovaldi when I started following a Japanese street subculture called Lolita fashion. This completely changed my life, prescription allowing me to find a community of people who cared about creativity, artistry, and self-expression. After a while I felt dissatisfied with the culture of rules, limitations, and hyper-criticism. At the same time I was finding out that I did not have to hate myself or make any promises to the world that I would only wear sweatpants and big t-shirts till I slimmed down.

Me, in my casual sweatpants ensemble

The goal of So Outrageous will be to help me challenge myself visually and in terms of self-confidence. For you, you sexy reader, I would like to share the resources that have allowed me to get to a place where I show everybody who I am, all the time, even when it’s inappropriate.

I’m influenced by John Waters, teddy boys & girls, 80s pop singers, 70s rock stars, 60s girl groups, mod fashion, pin-up girls, Audrey Horne on Twin Peaks, Victoriana, rococo party & rococo bullshit, and the limitless creativity of my friends that I copy off of cruelly.

I love to sing, write songs that are silly or not silly, and make people look at the one Marcel Duchamps piece “Etant Donne” at the art museum here in Philly where I kind of live. I love regionalism! Philly inspires my fashion, too. I am a PG Wodehouse character outfitted by Mary Quant.

10 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. I stumbled across your blog when I saw a link on tumblr, and thought I would check it out.
    And I just have to say that you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen 😀
    You're a very admirable person. Please don't ever stop being so lovely

  2. Just found your blog (via tumblr, I think) and it's a great read. I'm plus-size myself and you've got a great way with words that's incredibly refreshing.

    Look forward to more posts 😀 x

  3. You are soooooo beautiful and sexy. Can i take you out on a date. Id be proud to walk along with you hand in hand. Youre perfect for me. X

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